“After feeling lost these last 6 months I found our zoom consultation extremely helpful. Thank you for listening to our concerns and giving us the appropriate support and guidance helping my daughter and I through her allergies.

I feel much more relaxed now knowing exactly what we both need in our diets and knowing more about alternative options. Thank you again from a much more relaxed mummy”

Allison, mum of 7-month-old baby girl



  • Exclusion diets while breastfeeding

  • Milk allergy and formula

  • Specific nutrients (e.g calcium)

  • Introducing solids to your baby

  • How to introduce potential other allergenic foods (e.g egg, peanut)

  • The milk ladder

  • Growth concerns

  • Multiple allergies (e.g soya, egg, wheat)

  • Functional gut issues (constipation, reflux)



If you are wanting further support with CMA or other food allergies, then a private consultation is for you. A 1:1 consultation is provided over zoom and includes a full assessment covering your child’s symptoms, growth, nutritional adequacy and feeding history. Advice and guidance will be tailored to you and your little ones needs. Following your child’s assessment, you will receive a written report outlining recommendations and guidance, as well as any resources required