Master The Milk Ladder Terms & Conditions

The Master the Milk Ladder Program is via Zoom and can be booked through The Milk Allergy Dietitian’s website shop or via

After booking onto the Program the client will be asked to complete a pre-assessment form, and/or feed/food diary as well uploading their child’s growth measurements (from their ‘red book’).

On booking, a link is provided to the client to book in their first session with The Milk Allergy Dietitian via Calendly.

It is the responsibility of the client to book in their first session and any follow up sessions. Follow up links will be sent to the client via email after the first session.


By booking onto The Master the Milk Ladder Program the client is consenting to receive advice from The Milk Allergy Dietitian up to a period of 6 months. All three consultations (1 x 60mins, 1 x 20 mins, 1 x 30mins) must be booked within a 6 month period.

At the time of booking, the client will have the option to sign up to The Milk Allergy Dietitian’s monthly email newsletter. Under GDPR the details will be held by The Milk Allergy Dietitian.

Further information on how data is used can be found in our privacy policy. You can change your refence at any time by contacting


Payment must be made via credit/debit card before the appointment via stripe. Payment can be in full (£345) or via payment plan (3 x £115 payments over 3 months). Failure to pay in full or the first payment on the payment plan before the appointment will result in no appointment and the client terminated from the Program. 

Cancellations or changes to appointment

  • If the client does not attend the first session of Master the Milk Ladder or cancels with less than 48 hours notice, the client will be charged the full Program fee.

  • For cancellations made before 48 hours only 50% of fee is refundable

  • The client can change their appointment up to 48 hours before the appointment without incurring a fee

  • If the client is late to an appointment, they will be charged the full appointment time. The session cannot be extended due to a late arrival.

In between appointments and unlimited email support

  • The Master the Milk Ladder Program provides unlimited email support between sessions. Once session 3 has been completed, the unlimited email support will end. If session 3 has not been booked 6 months after attending the first session the unlimited email support will end.

  • The Milk Allergy Dietitian will respond to emails on working days (Monday – Friday) and aims to reply within 72 hours (this does not include weekends). The Milk Allergy Dietitian will not respond if there is annual leave or sickness. The client will be made aware with an out of office email.


  • For cancellations made before 48 hours only 50% of the fee is refundable.

  • If the client does not attend an appointment without rescheduling within 48 hours the client will be charged the full consultation fee.

  • Refund requests cannot be honoured if your child’s condition has not improved after the consultation.