A three step system for parents who want to climb the ladder with confidence.

Let’s master the milk ladder today and give you and your family the freedom to eat what you want when you want.


Say goodbye to being overwhelmed and winging it on your own.

Get 1:1 support, tailored to your child’s need.

Previously featured in

Imagine if…

  • You no longer had to ask for the allergen menu when going out to eat

  • Being able to relax at children’s parties without having to follow your child around like a shadow

  • Meal planning with ease and actually be able to share food

  • Not having to fork out for expensive milk alternatives or constantly having to check food labels

  • On holiday, sitting on the beach watching your little one enjoying an ice cream

No longer waste hours searching and going it alone. Instead have control and confidence to progress on the ladder, and most importantly feel assured your little one is getting the right nutrition to support their growth & development.

You want your child to climb and thrive, so what’s in your way?

I speak with families who put off the ladder because:

☹️ They are worried or anxious

☹️ Scared of a reaction

☹️They don’t have access to a specialist allergy dietitian

☹️ Going on holiday or have a special event lined up

☹️ Or other variables outside of their control such as the never ending nursery bug cycle


By starting you help to…

🙂 Expand your littles ones diet

🙂 Know exactly what they CAN tolerate

🙂 Increase variety

🙂 Reduce anxiety associated with accidental exposure

🙂 Improve quality of life and socialising

🙂 AND they may outgrow sooner than expected

BUT you might be wondering things like:

  • How do I even know when to start?

  • What quantity at each step should I give and how regularly?

  • What should I be looking for if there is a reaction?

  • What if a step isn’t eaten?

  • How do I do it alongside other ladders?

The list goes on which only stops you from progressing further or just muddling your way through in the dark, hoping for the best 🤞

My 3 step system will guide you to success. I am here to hold your hand through each and every step of the way, all whilst ensuring your little one is getting the nutrition they need whilst they are still predominately avoiding milk.

Master the Milk Ladder with expert 1:1 support your child deserves

Exactly what you get in Master the Milk Ladder Program…

  • 3 x private 1:1 coaching sessions so you know exactly how to tackle the ladder, whilst ensuring your little one’s nutrition is optimised.

    Sessions are booked in as you wish usually every 4-8 weeks so that we can keep track on your little ones progress.

    All sessions to be completed in a 6 month period.

  • A detailed report will be sent to you after your first session to refer back to, which includes personalised recommendations and a step by step plan on how to tackle the ladder and optimise your little ones nutritional intake.

  • Yep that’s right while you are in the Master the Milk Ladder Program you have access to unlimited email support so those niggling questions that crop up can be answered there and then. This is not available anywhere else and a HUGE benefit of the program.

  • This exclusive handbook is filled with recipes, alternatives and FAQ, so that you are crystal clear on what each step entails.

  • Don’t worry if your little one has other food allergies (such as soya, egg or wheat), you’ll have me support you through each one and have access to each ladder, as well as nutrient specific factsheets and much, much more!

MASTER THE MILK LADDER PROGRAM is perfect for you if…

  • Your little one is ready to start the milk ladder but you have no support

  • You have been thinking about starting but keep putting it off

  • You don’t know where to start and feel so confused by the online noise

  • You’ve tried navigating the ladder but are stuck at step 1-3

  • You feel on your own and are ready to have someone show you the way

If one or more of these resonate with you then let’s do this!

Meet Chelsea:

‘We’ve done it! Completed the ladder with no more issues 🤩

We went out for a meal yesterday and the relief of no anxiety over what he could eat was the best feeling so we shared a mother’s day dinner.

Thank you for everything, your help has been impeccable and invaluable to us. We never received the NHS Zoom meeting as we was supposed to last month so I am so glad we reached out to you.

I would 100% be happy to recommend you to anyone struggling. Because before speaking to you, the milk ladder felt mind numbing and daunting’

Chelsea, mum to little boy Tommy

Here’s a taster on what we will cover…

SESSION 1 / 60 minutes

Walk away from this session feeling like a weight has been taken off your shoulders. You will have a clear understanding of exactly how you're going to tackle the milk ladder while enjoying peace of mind that your little one is getting all the nutrition they need to thrive.

SESSION 2 / 20 minutes

By this point, you're moving up the ladder successfully and have received your plan to overcome the hurdles along the way. Life at home is a lot less stressful and you're wondering how you ever attempted the milk ladder alone!

SESSION 3 / 10 minutes

Your last session is for any final tweaks and to complete your milk ladder journey, a chance to reflect and celebrate those wins!

Don’t forget in between sessions you have unlimited access to emails to ask me anything that crops up along the way!


What clients find most helpful when climbing the ladder is having unlimited access to email to ask any questions that crop up. This is a HUGE benefit of the Program…having me on hand to answer any queries along the way.

“Thank you, it is so helpful having you at the end of an email!”

Victoria, mum of 18 month old boy

“Thank you for your email – it was incredibly reassuring, so thank you!”

Yasmine, Mum of 2 year old boy

Some of the online resources you will have on hand to help you master the milk ladder.


‘Lydia has been absolutely fantastic!! So supportive, and encouraging. Giving me confidence to start the re- introduction of milk into my sons diet after a big set back.

She even supported us with our son’s egg allergy - opening doors that we had thought wasn’t open to us. Now, he can enjoy baked egg in quite a few foods which is such a weight off our shoulders.

I’ve a clear vision of next steps and hope that little by little we’ll be able to introduce more foods in time. Thanks Lydia!’

So what’s the investment?

Option 1: Pay in full as a one off payment of £345

Option 2: Payment plan of 3 x £115 payments over 3 months

I have a question…

  • Master the Milk Ladder is for little ones that are just about to start the milk ladder and for parents that are feeling overwhelmed and confused and need support and guidance. It’s also for those that have started but feeling stuck or in a rut and unsure where to go next.

  • The program includes 3 x 1:1 sessions with me (1 x 60 mins, 1 X 20mins, 1 x 10mins) booked in monthly/bimonthly as well as unlimited email support in between. You will also have access to my bonus climbing the milk ladder handbook as well as resource library.

    Total access to the program is over 6 months.

  • Yes, we will discuss the best approach for your little one and family on how to start other food ladders such as soya or egg ladder. You will be provided a copy of other food ladders within the resource library.

  • The Master the Milk Ladder Program is £345 or a payment plan of 3 x £115.

  • No problem! Simply email me at hello@themilkallergydietitian.com, I’m happy to help and answer any questions you may have.


Hey! I’m Lydia Collins-Hussey, a.k.a The Milk Allergy Dietitian.

I’m an award winning dietitian with 11 years’ experience. I’ve supported over 1000 families with milk allergy in the NHS and private practice and I’m here to support you too! My passion is helping families cut through the allergy and nutrition noise so that you can feel confident feeding your baby.

I cannot wait to get started and meet with you. So, let me ask you this… do you want to Master the Milk Ladder?